LANDROVER 4x4 Vehicles represent a "spleen", positively called a kind of "company philosophy" of PG. The legendary DEFENDER, in use until 2007, is best described as the "geologistĀ“s donkey": stubborn, complicated, not quite luxurious but unsurpassed in its ability to cope with rough terrain and heavy duty. From 2007 to 2014, we used a long-range, motorway-capable DISCOVERY 3, since 2012 a series of so far three FREELANDER 2 vehicles assists us in our daily job on and off the roads.
Of course, owners of a defender are quite busy with finding reasons for doing what any other intelligent human being did not do... Here are 18 really important reasons that are nevertheless quite seldomely taken into account:
You can open a beer with the mounting of the grill.
You can always find the way home because of the oil drops on the street.
To get waved at by fellow addicts.
Best for having a picknick on top.
Avoid school zones and you'll NEVER get a ticket
Your girlfriend will know that you have no time for another girl.
You know when you start but you don't know when you arrive
It's a great place to invest all of that discretionary income.
In a car crash, the other vehicle will be your crumple zone
With this toy you can play for hours with your son !
You don't have to explain anymore, why your fingernails are always dirty!
Your mother-in-law will never asks for a ride to the mall again.
Standing on the roof of a Landrover with a chainsaw is the only way to trim tree
Unlike other cars, dirt only makes it LOOK BETTER
It generates a lot of jobs (mechanics)
Everyone gets out of your way without using your car horn!
The oil industrie loves it
You will never lose it in the car park
